This piece will reproduce a possible round 1 TREC-COVID submission generated with the application.


Connect to the CORD-19 Vespa API.

from vespa.application import Vespa

app = Vespa(url = "")

Define the query model used for the submission.

from vespa.query import Query, OR, RankProfile

query_model = Query(
    match_phase = OR(),
    rank_profile = RankProfile(name="bm25t5")


Load the topics provided by the organizers.

import requests
import json

topics = json.loads(requests.get("").text)

Generate the submissions by querying the Vespa application, and organizing the results according to the TREC output format. We only return 2 hits for each request as an example. Feel free to change that to 1000 when generating your own submmission.

from pandas import DataFrame

submission = []
for t in topics:
    id = t['id']
    question = t['question']
    query = t['query']
    narrative = t['narrative']

    query = question + ' ' + query + ' ' + narrative 
    result = app.query(
          hits = 2, 
          model = {'defaultIndex': 'allt5'}, 
          summary = 'default',
          timeout = '15s',
          collapsefield = 'cord_uid',
          bolding = 'false'

    i = 0
    for h in result['root']['children']:
            {"topicid": id,
             "Q0": "Q0",
             "docid": h["fields"].get('cord_uid'),
             "rank": i,
             "score": h['relevance'],

submission = DataFrame.from_records(submission)
topicid Q0 docid rank score run-tag
0 1 Q0 lfndq85x 1 70.993937 bm25t5
1 1 Q0 z14rf85c 2 70.613335 bm25t5
2 2 Q0 exqza1kg 1 92.731966 bm25t5
3 2 Q0 r9scxa76 2 88.443326 bm25t5
4 3 Q0 rq5nqm92 1 80.897894 bm25t5
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
65 33 Q0 79yna07e 2 96.310245 bm25t5
66 34 Q0 gd5btv69 1 81.606707 bm25t5
67 34 Q0 8p9d1c9k 2 76.193660 bm25t5
68 35 Q0 6xkm2j0f 1 109.850018 bm25t5
69 35 Q0 vaeyoxv7 2 107.736848 bm25t5

70 rows × 6 columns